Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cabin In The Woods and Anti-Spoilers Resulting In Spoilers?

April 13, 2012


Just as like when the Sixth Sense came out, there are so many gleeful reviews of Cabin in the Woods gleefully begging you not to ruin the surprise for yourself and proudly proclaiming themselves to be spoiler free that they set the wheels turning and I have finally figured out what the twist in the movie is.

Don’t worry, not spoiling anything here. It’s just funny that this is happening again. The Sixth Sense reviews all made reference to the awesome twist at the end and one that specifically referenced Bruce Willis’ “somnambulistic” -- and that’s an exact quote still burned into my mind because it allowed me to figure it out – performance enabled to figure out he was a ghost himself without having seen the movie. I told this to my then roommate who went and saw it with his girlfriend and he realized just before the reveal that I was right. As a result, he was the only person in the audience not to gasp out loud.

This said, I now realize that any true Whedonite who thinks long and hard about this and all the genre work Joss Whedon has done will be able to figure this sucker out. We’ll see if I’m right later tonight.

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