Thursday, May 17, 2012

Castle: Heros & Villains (S4.02)

September 26, 2011

I really enjoyed last night’s Castle, even if they did go back to too much formula to the point where it could’ve been an episode from any other season. Still, a whole bunch of nice shoutouts to the now Disney-owned Marvel comics from Disney-owned ABC studios. Good commercial tie-in.

I also liked how the crime writer and cop involved ended up as mirror  images of Beckett and Castle. I think it was a bit of a convenient stretch to have Beckett be a comic book fan (as it was in an episode last season where she just happened to be into B & D conveniently) but otherwise it was a pretty good ep. I particularly liked the scene in the interrogation room where both Castle and Beckett realize from the crime writer’s answers that he is not the guilty part and this was all done through shared looks from the three actors involved and not the dialogue itself but how they delivered it. Good work from the guest star there as he had to carry the load in that scene. Nathan was good with the facial expressions there too, letting us know as an audience that he knows the guy is innocent.

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