Thursday, May 17, 2012

Castle: Eye of the Beholder (S4.05)

October 18, 2011

Great eps of Castle this week, back to the humor. Lots to love here:

·         A great guest star in Canadian actress Kristen Lehman as the hot insurance investigator/reformed art thief. She previously worked with Nathan Fillion on their short-lived series Drive.  Probably explains the tangible chemistry between them
·         BTW, did you recognize Michael “Worf” Dorn as Beckett’s psychiatrist?
·         Great bit where Castle does the stereotypical, only works on TV “kiss the girl to distract her from noticing partner’s shenanigans” – only for Beckett to completely blow it by yelling “WHAT?!”
·         Loved the bit where Castle demolished the museum stand to find the missing art and then completely wrecked the artist’s display as he and Beckett confronted her only to realize it  was her client and not her that was the murderer. The look on his face when he realizes he’s not only wrong but going to have to pay for the wrecked museum was priceless. And they followed it up in the tag scene too when he gets the bill! Nice line there about being able to pay his kid’s college tuition fee with it only for him to add “Good thing I’m rich.”
·         And a great last line as she exits stage right from our hot insurance investigator Serena as she informs Beckett “I don’t steal things that belong to other people.” Awwwwwww…..

Man, I’d love to see Lehman back as Serena. Not sure if it was intentional, but she’s the Catwoman to Castle’s Batman – the bad girl who does good who will always have romantic/sexual tension with the hero.  Interestingly, I just picked up the new Batman Arkham City game for my PS3 and the voice of Catwoman is played by…. Stana Katic! 

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