Really REALLY good episode that really showcased how far both Beckett and Castle have come along skillwise, with her able to adjust to a hostage situation and Castle not only deftly communicating with the outside but figuring that something was not quite kosher with the bank robbery. So much good stuff here with a great mystery. They had to lighten up the comedy but still got in a good one with Ryan andd Esposito. My thoughts:
· The resolution, however, was not. I found it tough to swallow the idea of a professional merc team not being smart enough to check their own timed explosives but I could let that one go for the sake of the overall plot
· Very brave and a bit more realistic NOT to have Beckett and Castle be a part of the final apprehending team and just having to wait things out
· Now THIS was a mastermind criminal, unlike last week’s crooked murdering cop. His elaborate plot actually made sense and you did believe he might actually get away with this one, unlike last week’s non-loonie who really should’ve been a loonie. Loved how he went from first verbally attacking Castle, to “working with him” on “spying” on the “robbers,” to finally “panicking” and actually using Castle’s own sympathy and brains against him to get himself out of the bank with the faked epilepsy attack. Now this guy proved himself the equal if not better than Castle and that’s a good villain.
· It was also great how he adjusted for Castle’s presence which he couldn’t have obviously planned for beforehand by attacking him for “calling the cops” which gets the unknowing bank employees to put him in his place. Using suspension of disbelief there, but it still makes him an awesome villain
· I loved the bit in the apartment where Ryan comes up with crazy theories and Esposito accuses him of being “Castle Jr.” only for Ryan to turn around and accuse him of being “Supercop” when Esposito takes Beckett’s more grounded approach
· Loved the look between Castle and Beckett that was interrupted by Martha. They didn’t play as much on the “I could lose him” that I thought they would but it was more than enough
· FINALLY they ended the stupid Ashley storyline. Way overdue.
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