Thursday, May 17, 2012

Castle: Always (S4.23) - Caskett Lives!

May 8, 2012

First off, interesting that the couple name actually has something to do with murder mysteries (Caskett = funeral casket). Just sayin’.

Second, that was half of a fantastic season finale. Oddly, just like The Avengers, the greatness from the characters interacting covered up a really thin plot but who really cares? It was great! So much to love in this finale:

·         “I’ve been waiting four years for you to see that I’m more than just a partner.” Swoon. Platonically, of course, ‘cause I’m a guy. A bro. A man’s man. Great speech.
·         The acting during the laying bare of the secrets. It could’ve easily been bombastic and over the top but instead it just all came out naturally
·         The kiss, of course, and the hand grabbing leading to the bedroom presumably
·         The split between Ryan and Esposito based solely on professional and completely valid differences of opinion and was totally believable; I liked that Ryan was the only voice of reason but the way he was acting made me wonder if his character had also been contacted like Castle and struck a deal to protect Kate
·         Gates justifiably giving Esposito and Beckett crap for withholding info and going off as rogue cowboys

Unfortunately, the other half was complete BS and again shows that the writers have clearly no idea what the big conspiracy truly is and why Johanna Beckett was killed. We have the military, crooked cops, and dead lawyers involved. What kind of convoluted conspiracy involves all that? Not one that they’ve completely thought through and it shows, which is why we have super military guy as our bad guy to distract us from that. This reminds me of a well-thought out video game long ago called Max Payne which had just as intricate a plot as Castle but was clearly thought out beforehand – the hero’s lawyer wife happened to see a document she didn’t know she shouldn’t have during the normal course of her working day which is why she was targeted. Even a simple explanation like this will do but the writers clearly haven’t thought it out yet.

And our super tough invincible military bad guy played by rugged and handsome looking Tahmoh Penikett,  a Muay Thai expert and the former Helo of Battlestar Galactica and also formerly of Dollhouse. It always makes me laugh when I see the TV version of “military” and “ex-military” badasses because they of course look nothing like the real ones I knew in life – but it makes me especially laugh to see it on Castle because John Huertas, the actor who plays Esposito, IS a real life ex-Special Forces military officer and you wouldn’t know it just by taking a look at him. Not saying Penikett isn’t tough in real life, but I’d place money on Huerta over him any day due to their backgrounds but the fact is Penikett has “the look” and Huertas ironically doesn’t and could not have played the evil ex-military had the roles been reversed. Hollywood casting, always good for a laugh.

So the fans got the illusion of change (like Beckett won’t be a detective again next season) and the Caskett moment we’ve all been waiting for to keep us happy. Bet it all gets the reboot button during next season’s opener.

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